Pocket Portfolio – Moody’s Analytics
Ux Mobile Design
This iOS portfolio proposal (pre-iOS 7) was designed for Moody’s Analytics to enhance the portfolio experience for subscribers.
Portfolios are essential tools that allow subscribers to track businesses, monitor credit rating changes, and stay updated on the latest analysis and reports. The wireframes displayed outline key screens in a proposed Moody’s portfolio app, representing later-stage revisions.
Ideation and exploration are among my favorite aspects of the design process. These wireframes draw inspiration from the web experience of Moodys.com at the time but were reimagined for an iOS tablet. The goal was to create a more intuitive, mobile-friendly experience with a flatter navigation structure.
I introduced a sharper, richer, and more immersive tool than the existing desktop portfolio by incorporating visualization tools and graphics. This design provides a high-level, dashboard-style overview while offering users quick and efficient pathways to access deeper insights.
The home screen offers a dashboard-style experience, presenting a list of research documents related to companies across all portfolios. It also displays aggregated portfolio averages, giving users a high-level overview of their tracked investments.
Selecting a document from the Research list opens a menu displaying the portfolios linked to that research item.
The various controls in the UI allow the user to customize their portfolios. The “Choose View” option lets users browse their portfolios using both default and customized column sets, while “Create View” enables them to create and save personalized views. The Edit icon (pencil and page) allows users to create a new portfolio, modify an existing one, rename a portfolio, or set an alert.
The “Choose View” dialog box lets users display their portfolios using default settings, such as Standard Rating View or Corporate View, or custom column sets. These custom views can be saved to support specific analysis needs.
Ux & Product Design, Information Architecture, Interaction Design